September 27, 2015

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_MG_8701 copy copySponsored by American Eagle Outfitters


We were so excited when America Eagle contacted us for this feature! Once I found saw this cardigan, I knew exactly how I wanted to style it. It was 90 degrees in the Louisiana heat while I was sporting it, but I felt so cool that I didn’t even break a sweat ?. I love to pair almost anything with a wide rim hat and booties, and it worked so well with this cardigan. With an asymmetrical design, this cardigan is not overbearing or uncomfortable – it’s super cozy. You can throw it with a pair of shorts when the weather is cool, or match it with a pair of jeans & booties for the winter. I may even sleep in it; it’s so comfy. 😉 While I’m all about the fashion, it’s nice to be comfy too, and this cardigan is just that. Perfect addition to my growing fall section in my closet (if I had sections in my closet); it fits right in!

Be sure to check out American Eagle’s new fall looks and all of their social media outlets below:

AEO: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest

I don’t know about you guys, but I sure am excited to break out my darker fall colors, even though I may still be in shorts for a while; good ol’ Louisiana.  Hope you guys have an awesome week!

xx, Kemp